গৌতম রায়
সহকারী অধ্যাপক, শিক্ষা ও গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট, রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, রাজশাহী, বাংলাদেশ।
Contact information
Room 204, Institute of Education and Research
University of Rajshahi
Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh
Email: goutamroy AT ru.ac.bd; gtmroy AT gmail.com
Web: www.ru.ac.bd/ier/details/?sid=40407034; www.goutamroy.com
Research interest
Community involvement in school, Computer-assisted learning, MOOCs, Online learning courses, Learning solution to technology, Students’ assessment and evaluation, Early childhood care and education, Primary education, Baseline and endline survey
• MSc in Educational Science and Technology, 2017-current
University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, Enschede, Netherlands
Dissertation title: Massive online learning courses in Bengali: participation, motivation, and challenges (Final thesis project is ongoing)
• Master of Education in Educational Evaluation and Research, 2001 (held in 2003)
University of Dhaka, Institute of Education and Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dissertation title: Effect of Learners’ Page of Daily Newspapers on Students’ Learning in Science and Mathematics at the Secondary Level of Education in Bangladesh
• Bachelor of Education in Science, Mathematics and Technical Education, 2000 (held in 2002)
University of Dhaka, Institute of Education and Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Teaching and research experience
Teaching experience
Assistant Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
January 05, 2016–till date
Lecturer, Institute of Education and Research, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
January 05, 2013–January, 04 2016
Research experience
Research and Evaluation Coordinator, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Division, Plan International Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
July 01, 2012–January 04, 2013
Research Coordinator, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Division, Plan International Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
May 20, 2010–June 30, 2012
Research Associate, Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh
August 01, 2009–May 19, 2010
Staff Researcher, Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh
September 08, 2005–July 30, 2009
Teaching areas
EDUC 101: Introduction to Education
EDUC 203: History of Education
EDUC 304: Computer in Education
IER 104: Micro-teaching and Simulation
IER 209: Action Research in Classroom
IER 504: Educational Research Methodology
IER 505: Statistics in Educational Research
MEd 104: Methods and Techniques of Research in Education
MEd 211: Contemporary Issues in Education
Thesis supervision
Institute of Education and Research, University of Rajshahi
Master of Education: Perception on Communicative Language Teaching of Government and Non-government English Teachers in Secondary Education of Bangladesh: A Comparison. 2014.
Professional affiliation and membership
Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood
Member, March 01, 2018-current.
Campaign for Popular Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Technical Team member, Education Watch group, July 01, 2007-current.
Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Life Member, January 01, 2013-current.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Shohel, M. M. C., Jia, M., Jahan, R., & Roy, G. (2015). Methodological challenges and concerns of using interview method to conduct socio-culturally sensitive research, Bangladesh Journal of Educational Research, 1(2), 100-115.
Roy, G. (2015). Active participation of community in the educational institutions: a review (in Bengali). Bangladesh Education Periodical, 12(1), 35-42.
Biswas, T. K., & Roy, G. (2010). Important considerations in planning student-centred education. Primary Education Journal, 4(1), 59-68.
Alam, G. M., Shahjamal, M. M., & Roy, G. (2009). Rate of return of education in Bangladesh: an investigation. Teacher’s World – Journal of Education and Research, 33-34, 73-86.
Roy, G., Dutta, N. C., & Nath, S. R. (2009). Competency achievement at primary level: a comparison of three types of BRAC schools. Primary Education Journal, 3(1), 17-30.
Roy, G., Akbar, S., & Gomes, J. J. (2008). Reflection of classwise attainable competencies at primary level: an analysis of NCTB Bengali textbooks (in Bengali). Social Science Review [Dhaka University Studies, Part D], 3(3), 121-133.
Book or book chapters
Banu, L. F. A., Roy, G., & Shafiq, M. S. (2018 – in press). Analysing bottlenecks to equal participation in primary education in Bangladesh: an equity perspective. In R. Chowdhury, M. Sarkar, F. A. Mojumder, & M. M. Roshid (Eds.). Engaging in Educational Research – Connecting Policy and Practice in Bangladesh. Singapore: Springer.
Nath, S. R. & Roy, G. (2018). Pre-primary education in Bangladesh: initiatives, reality, and the way forward (in Bengali). Dhaka: Samhati Prokashon.
Roy, G. (2016). Competency-based assessment in primary education in Bangladesh – a review. In S. A. Chowdhury (Ed.). Dhaka: Hulla & Co Human Dynamics K.G.
Nath, S. R., Roy, G., Rahman, M. H., Ahmed, K. S., & Chowdhury, A. M. R. (2014). New vision old challenges: the state of pre-primary education in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Campaign for Popular Education.
Roy, G. (Eds.). (2013). Education in Bangladesh: contemporary thoughts (in Bengali). Dhaka: Shuddhoswar.
Nath, S. R., Kabir, M. M., Ahmed, K. S., Roy, G., Hossain, A., Alam, S. M. N., Chowdhury, F. K., & Mahbub, A. (2011). Exploring low performance in education: the case of Sylhet division. In A. M. R. Chowdhury & R. K. Choudhury (Eds.). Dhaka: Campaign for Popular Education.
Roy, G. (2010). Group discussion (in Bengali). Dhaka: Banglaprokash.
Akbar, S., Dhar, U. K., & Roy, G. (2008). My language Sadri (in Sadri). Rajshahi: Ashrai.
Reading module
Shahjahan, M., Johra, S., Akter, K., Roy, G., Siddique, F. B., & Huda, S. A. (2017). Teacher curriculum guide: Bangladesh Studies. Dhaka: National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh.
Conference proceedings
Roy, G., Sharmin, N., & Shohel, M. M. C. (2015). Effect of computer-aided learning in teaching-learning activities in rural secondary schools in Bangladesh. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies (pp. 7-7). Cambridge: FLE Learning.
Roy, G. (2015). National education policy (2010) of Bangladesh: understanding the background and focuses. In A. Raqib (ed.). International Conference on Geography Education 2015 (pp. 39-39). Rajshahi: Department of Geography and Environment, University of Rajshahi.
Roy, G. (2014). Causes behind poor performance in English of Bangladeshi primary students. In P. N. Shrestha (ed.). NELTA Conference Proceedings 2014 (pp. 176-178). Kathmandu: Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA).
Research and technical reports
Islam, N., Das, H. K., & Roy, G. (2016). An assessment of the implementation of pre-primary education. Dhaka: Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Government of Bangladesh and UNICEF Bangladesh.
Das, H. K., Roy, G., Das, A., Islam, M. S. & Akhter, S. (2014). Final evaluation of the project entitled “Upazila Model of School Improvement Programme”. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Ahmed, K. S., Roy, G., Ahmed, R. & Khan, N. I. (2013). A midterm evaluation of upazila model of school improvement program of Khansama of Plan Bangladesh. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Roy, G. & Uddin, F. (2013). Enrolment, completion and competency: state of pre-primary and primary education in Plan intervention areas. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Roy, G., Ahmed, S. S & Salam, M. A. (2012). Effectiveness of school improvement program (SIP) of Plan Bangladesh. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Mahbub, A., Hossain, A., Roy, G., Hanif, A., Sarker, N. & Uddin, F. (2012). Rapid assessment of Plan’s response to recent flood situation in rural Bangladesh. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Roy, G., Khan, N. R. & Mahbub, A. (2012). Understanding the earthquake preparedness of primary schools in Plan intervention areas. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Roy, G. & Mahbub, A. (2012). Level of competency-based learning achievement of pre-primary and primary graduates in Plan Intervention areas. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Mahbub, A., Hossain, A., Roy, G., & Akram, O. (2012). Mapping of the excluded in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Roy, G. (2011). Children out-of-school situation from primary and secondary education in Bangladesh: an exploration. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Roy, G. (2011). Situation of out-of-school children from pre-primary and primary education in Gazipur program area of Plan Bangladesh. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Roy, G. (2011). State of early childhood care and development and primary education in Plan Intervention areas. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Roy, G. (2010). Baseline survey findings on quality primary education for program units of Plan Bangladesh. Dhaka: Plan International Bangladesh.
Sharmin, N., & Roy, G. (2011). Computer-aided learning and mentoring for improvement of teaching quality: an assessment of BRAC interventions. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Nath, S. R., Hossain, A., & Roy, G. (2008). Achievement of primary competencies: a comparison between BPS and EIC schools. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Roy, G., Akbar, S., & Gomes, J. J. (2008). Reflection of classwise attainable competencies at primary level: an analysis of BRAC Bangla textbooks. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Roy, G., Akbar, S., & Gomes, J. J. (2008). Reflection of classwise attainable competencies at primary level: an analysis of NCTB Bangla textbooks. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Nath, S. R., Afroze, R., Dutta, N. C., Hossain, A., Kabir, M. M., & Roy, G. (2007). BRAC’s partnership with mainstream primary school: some early findings from an evaluation study. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Nath, S. R., Roy, G., Dutta, N. C., & Hossain, A. (2007). Achievement of primary competencies: a comparison between government and BRAC school. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Roy, G., Dutta, N. C., & Nath, S. R. (2006). Causes behind differential performance in various types of BRAC schools. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Nath, S. R., Roy, G., & Hossain, A. (2006). Factors affecting variations in the achievement of competencies: a case study of BRAC primary schools. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Roy, G., & Nath, S. R. (2005). Need assessment of a short course on educational evaluation and assessment. Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division.
Magazine/newsletter articles
Roy, G. (2014). Quota and motivation for women in education (In Bengali). Nari O Progoti, 9(18), 03-10, Dhaka: Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS).
Roy, G. (2012.) Education of the marginalized women: problems and solution (In Bengali). Nari O Progoti, 7(13, 14), 27-32, Dhaka: Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS).
Roy, G. (2012). Dropout from education: need context-based solution (In Bengali). Unnayan Podokkhep, 2(18), 81-82, Dhaka: Steps Towards Development.
Roy, G. (2009). National education policy 2009: realities on pre-primary and primary education (In Bengali). Panjeree Shikkha Sangbad, 7(11): 18-19, Dhaka: Panjeree Shikkha Sangbad.
Roy, G. (2008). Education of Bangladesh in gender context: an analysis (In Bengali). Nari O Progoti, 4(7), 27-32, Dhaka: Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS).
Roy, G. (2006). Women education, empowerment and poverty reduction. New Steps, 2, Dhaka: Steps Towards Development.
Conference, workshop and training
Conference and workshop presentations
• Presented a paper titled ‘Effect of Computer-Aided Learning in Teaching and Learning Activities in Rural Secondary Schools of Bangladesh’ at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies organized by the FLE Learning held in the Newnham College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England from October 19 to 21, 2015.
• Presented a paper titled ‘National Education Policy (2010) of Bangladesh: Understanding the Background and Focuses’ at the International Conference on Geography Education 2015 jointly organized by the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh and the Institute of Geography, Freiburg University of Education, Germany held in Rajshahi, Bangladesh from March 6 to 7, 2015.
• Presented a paper titled ‘Causes behind poor performance in English of the Bangladeshi Primary Students’ at the NELTA 19th Annual Conference organized by the Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association held in Kathmandu, Nepal from February 27 to March 2, 2014.
• Presented two papers titled ‘State of Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) and Primary Education in Plan intervention areas’ and ‘Measuring the Effectiveness of Instructional Materials in Pre-primary and Primary Schools Provided by Plan Bangladesh’ at the Quality Primary Education (QPE) Program Orientation organized by the Plan International Bangladesh held in Dhaka, Bangladesh on May 10, 2012.
• Presented a paper on ‘Understanding the Role of Local Government in Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) in a Disaster-Prone Area’ at the Third National Knowledge Convention titled “Poverty and Development: Realities of Grassroots” jointly organized by the Plan International Bangladesh, Practical Action and ActionAid Bangladesh held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from December 12 to 13, 2011.
• Presented a paper titled ‘Students Learning Performance in Various Types of BRAC Schools’ at the UNESCO-BAFED Joint Seminar organized by the UNESCO Bangladesh and Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) held in IDB, Dhaka, Bangladesh on November 12, 2007.
• Presented a paper titled ‘Return from the School System in Bangladesh’ at the UNESCO-BAFED Joint Seminar organized by the UNESCO Bangladesh and Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development (BAFED) held in IDB, Dhaka, Bangladesh on August 03, 2007.
Workshop and training attended
• A three-day-long seminar titled ‘Erasmus+ Regional Seminar For Aisa’ organized by the European Commission at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from 23/05/2017 to 25/05/2017.
• Six-day-long training on ‘Qualitative Research Methods in Education’ conducted by the Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand from 13/01/2016 to 18/01/2016.
• Three-month-long training on ‘SPSS and Programming with R’ conducted by the Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh from 01/02/2015 to 30/04/2015.
• Twelve-day-long training on ‘Training of Trainers (ToT) course’ conducted by the Institute of Educational Development, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 29/09/2013 to 10/10/2013.
• Three-day-long training on ‘Gender Equality Results’ conducted by the Plan International Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 06/06/2011 to 08/06/2011.
• Six-day-long training on ‘Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Plan’ conducted by the Plan International Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 14/05/2011 to 19/05/2011.
• Two-day-long training on ‘Working with Children who have been Exposed to Emotional Trauma’ facilitated by IUBAT, Vancubar, Canada and James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 12/11/2008 to 13/11/2008.
• A month-long training on ‘SPSS and Applied Statistics’ conducted by the Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 01/06/2017 to 30/06/2007.
• Four-days-long training on ‘Assessing Primary Competencies’ facilitated by the Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 23/11/2006 to 26/11/2006.
• Six-day-long training on ‘Visualization in Participatory Planning (VIIP)’ facilitated by Mr. Cole Douldge, Ex-country representative, UNICEF Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 01/01/2006 to 06/01/2006.
Workshop and training conducted
• Day-long workshop on ‘Ethics and Development’ for the WaterAid officials in Rajshahi, Bangladesh on 19/02/2013.
• Six-day-long training on ‘Join-learning workshop’ for the BRAC field staff at Faridpur, Bangladesh from 15/01/2006 to 20/01/2006.
Projects and grants
Current projects
Research project title: Law Education in Bangladesh: Understanding from the Education Commission Reports
Funded by: University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Funding amount: USD 1,250
Position: Co-researcher
Major responsibilities: 1. Write draft research proposal, 2. Collect data and analyze, 3. Write draft research report etc.
Research project title: Earthquake Preparedness in Rural Primary Schools in Bangladesh
Funded by: Self-funded
Position: Principle investigator
Major responsibilities: 1. Coordinate overall project activities, 2. Planning for empirical studies and research design, 3. Collect data and analyze, 4. Write research report etc.
Previous projects
Development project title: Improvement of Teaching-Learning Provisions in the Institute of Education and Research, University of Rajshahi— a sub-project of Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) of UGC, Bangladesh
Funded by: The World Bank
Finding amount: USD 150,000
Position: Sub-Project Manager (SPM)
Major responsibilities: 1. Coordinate overall project activities, 2. Develop infrastructure of the Institute of Education and Research of University of Rajshahi, 3. Take initiative to improve the teaching-learning capabilities of IER, RU, 4. Organize seminar, workshops, and training etc.
Research project title: Enhancing Higher Education Teaching and Learning in Bangladesh: Fostering the Pedagogical Knowledge, Teaching Skill and Research Capabilities of Early Career Academics (A joint collaboration between Institute of Education and Research of the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh and The Open University, United Kingdom under INSPIRE R-4: Strategic Partnership Award Application)
Funded by: The British Council
Funding amount: British Pound 1,500
Position: Team member
Major responsibilities: 1. Planning for empirical studies and research design, 2. Collect data and analyze, 3. Write research reports, 4. Develop modules and writing conference paper, 5. Organize seminar, workshops, and training etc.
Award, scholarship and achievement
Award and scholarship
• The University of Twente Scholarship, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. 2017.
• Early Careers Academic Awards, The Association of Commonwealth Universities, United Kingdom. 2015.
• Top Bangladesh Development Researchers of the Millennium, Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC), United States. 2012.
Professional and volunteer service
University and institute service
• Curriculum update committee, Institute of Education and Research, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Member, 2016
• Madar Bux Hall, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
House Tutor, July 12, 2016 – July 11, 2017
Conference and journal affiliation
• Bangladesh Education Periodical (In Bengali), Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Assistant Editor, January 1, 2017-Current
• Bangladesh Journal of Educational Research, Institute of Education and Research, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Assistant Editor, January 01, 2015-June 30, 2017
• Bangladesh Education Periodical (In Bengali), Bangladesh Forum for Educational Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Editorial Assistant, January 1, 2013-December 31, 2016
• The 15th International Conference on Education and Information System, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2017, Florida, USA
Additional reviewer for the Non-blind reviewing 2017
Other professional experience
• Institute of Water Modelling, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Programme Assistant, January 01, 2005–September 07, 2005
• The Weekly Mridubhashan, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Feature Writer, September 01, 2003-December 31, 2004
Volunteer activities
• Institute of Education and Research Study Circle, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Advisor, 2015-current
Skills and other information
Technical skills
• Software: SPSS, Office suite, Reference management software, R (basic level)
• Quantitative: Intermediate Quantitative Methods, Multilevel Modeling, Factor Scoring, Factor Analysis and Missing Data, Mixed Methods
Extra-curricular activities
• Contributor, Bengali Wikipedia, 2008-current.
• Advisor, Wikimedia Bangladesh Chapter, 2017-current.
• Founder, Bangladesh Education Article and বাংলাদেশের শিক্ষা – Two web hubs on Bangladesh education, 2006-current.
Contact: Please use this page.